+++++++++++++++++++++++ News of Japan in English +++++++++++++++++++++++
 ★日本のニュースを英語で★             No.0463          2007.12.19



福田、小沢 1月9日に討論




討論         debate 
自民党        Liberal Democratic Party
民主党        Democratic Party of Japan
それぞれの      respective
就任以来       since taking office
国家基本政策委員会  the Fundamental National Policies committees
両院         the two Diet chambers


Fukuda, Ozawa to hold 1st debate Jan 9

 Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, also president of Liberal Democratic 
Party, and Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa will hold 
their first Diet debate Jan 9 as the heads of their respective parties. 

  It will be the first time Fukuda holds a one-on-one Diet debate with 
Ozawa since taking office in September. The schedule was decided 
Wednesday on during an executive meeting of the Fundamental National 
Policies committees of the two Diet chambers.


======================== News of Japan in English ======================
  ★日本のニュースを英語で★     まぐまぐマガジンID:0000136304
   発行: Three Threes
    HP: http://english.biz.client.jp/  
  ●英語学習お役立ちメルマガ&ホームページ  リンク登録募集中!!!